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Mother tongues and multilingualism

Many children living in Trosa municipality can speak one or more languages as well as just Swedish. Some may need support learning Swedish through study guidance, while other children wish to keep their multilingualism alive through mother tongue tuition.

Pupils who have difficulty keeping up with lessons because of the language, and who are therefore at risk of not achieving their goals, receive support in the form of study guidance. As the pupil and study guide speak the same language, the pupil receives help in translating during lessons.

Pupils who speak another mother tongue at home, or who speak a minority language, are entitled to study the mother tongue after school hours. Pupils who are interested in doing so need to register to receive mother tongue tuition.

More information

  • New arrivals

    The term ‘newly arrived pupil’ applies to pupils who have been resident abroad, are now resident or are to be considered as resident in Sweden, and who started their education here after the start of the autumn term of the calendar year in which they reached the age of seven. A pupil will no longer be regarded as a new arrival after having been at school in Sweden for four years.

    When a new pupil has moved to Trosa, the Reception Unit will book an appointment for a review. This review takes two weeks and is done using the Swedish National Agency for Education’s review materials. The aim of the review is to find out about the nature of the pupil’s previous schooling in order to facilitate the transition to the Swedish school system. The pupil also attends a health interview and learns basic Swedish.

    The pupil is then given a place in a regular class and continues his or her education in Swedish as a Second Language (SVA) for as long as the pupil requires this. Once the pupil has learned enough Swedish, the pupil can begin tuition in a regular class on a full-time basis. If required, the pupil may be given help to translate during lessons in the form of study guidance in the pupil’s mother tongue.

  • Study guidance

    What is study guidance?

    Pupils who have difficulty attaining the knowledge requirements at school because of the language can receive support from a study guide in the subjects they are finding difficult. The study guides speak the same language as the pupil and work closely with the pupil’s teachers. This means that the study guide is prepared and can support the pupil during lessons.

    In this way, through study guidance the pupil receives tuition in two languages, which develops the pupil’s bilingualism. It is the head teacher at the school attended by the pupil who decides whether or not the pupil is to be given study guidance.

    Film about how study guidance in the mother tongue works (in Swedish)

    Rules and guidelines

    Study guidance in the mother tongue is regulated by Part 5, Section 4 of the Swedish School Regulations:

    A pupil shall receive study guidance in his or her native language, if the pupil so requires. A pupil who is to be offered native language tuition, and who before arrival in Sweden has been taught in a language other than the native language, may be given study guidance in that language instead of the native language, if special grounds apply.’

  • Mother tongue

    Who is entitled to mother tongue tuition?

    • The pupil is in grade 1-9
    • The pupil has a mother tongue other than Swedish
    • The pupil has a fundamental knowledge of the mother tongue
    • The pupil speaks the language at home on a daily basis

    In order for mother tongue tuition to be initiated, at least five pupils in Vagnhärad, Trosa and Västerljung must register.

    Each student who meets the requirements for mother tongue education is entitled to his or her mother tongue education for a maximum of 7 years.

    Apply via our e-service.Öppnas i nytt fönster

Alexandra Degerman-Velén

Rektor SFI


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